Ideas That Accelerate Business

Catalyst Promotions Blog

Posted by Ken on May 29, 2012 in Product Showcase with No Comments

It is always better to buy calendars early in the year.  Right now, calendars for 2013 have special pricing if orders are placed soon.  For years, we have had customers ask a very understandable question, “Why should I buy calendars?  I get way too many calendars, I Wall Calendarwouldn’t want to give my customers another calendar.”  Maybe you have felt this way about calendars.  You get so many calendars from all the reps that come by and see you. (Maybe even from one of our reps) You may even have had to throw away several of them.

The thing to remember when considering buying calendars to give to your customers is that they probably don’t have anyone giving them free calendars.  People spend a lot of money every year buying calendars.  For most of your customers, a free calendar saves them $10-15 dollars that they would have otherwise spent.  80% of people who are given a promotional calendar keep that calendar for more than 4 months.  You get a lot of promotional calendars from your suppliers because they know calendars are a very effective way of getting your name in front of people.

Press-N-Stick Calendar

Just how effective are calendars?  Our trade organization, ASI, funded a study on the effectiveness of promotional products. (you can view it here)  Calendars provide about 227 impressions each month.  That means that, on average, someone is looking at your calendar 227 times each month.  That’s about 7.5 times a day!  In addition, calendars are seen by an average of 5 different people each month.  These numbers show that calendars are useful to your customers and they will look at them many times during the day.

The industry-wide average cost per impression for calendars is $0.005.  So on average you pay about half a cent for each time someone looks at your calendar.  That is about the same as the average cost per impression for a radio advertisement.  Calendars come in a wide range of sizes, shapes and uses.  If you think your customers have too many wall calenders given to them, hand out a desk calendar or a refrigerator magnet.  Calendars offer great value for your dollar and give you the flexibility to give your customer what is most useful to them.Magnetic Calendar

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